A fully functioning overhead panel with complete electrical, pneumatics fuel, and hydraulic functions. And now on the main panel, you'll find the ability to change LED display styles from the full precision mode or to a compact mode that is modeled after the style of analog gauges. The Navigational Display still shows all of the visual information seen within the FS9 GPS. Nav aids and the loaded flight plan will appear within the Navigational Display just like the real thing! Every gauge has been recreated to give a level of detail that must be seen!
-At startup, Full or Compact modes of LED display units are selectable. Select your style!
-Utilizing the MSFS GPS system information, the ND will display navaids and flight plan.
-A full-functioning Overhead Panel with Fuel, Hydraulic, Pneumatic and Electrical systems.
-Full GPWS system - altitude descent callouts to aid in awareness and precision landings.
-15 Position Dimmable night lighting system for panel floods, text and LED Display Units.
-New Autopilot MCP logic with correct IAS/Mach Change Over and Vertical Speed display.
-Auto-Landing feature. Will guide your aircraft to a smooth landing. ILS/DME required.
-New Pilot and Flight Attendant recordings to help you feel more at home in the cockpit.
-Each display unit may be maximized and undocked by clicking the unit's lower-left button.